Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Applying Cultural Capabilities for Intercultural Environment

Question: Discuss about theApplying Cultural Capabilities for Intercultural Environment. Answer: Introduction Background The corporate world becomes intercultural environment because of the cultural diversity in an increase in the world. There is a number of organization which allows intercultural diversity at the workplace. For each business, in order to maintain its brand image and retain employees for the long term, it is essential to express the cultural in a safe and respectable manner (Rolls and Wignell, 2015). It helps the employees and the other individual in order to enjoy the safe and secure environment. In order to maintain the cultural safety and save the business need to provide the ideal space which is known as the cultural spaces. It refers to give full authority and freedom to employees to express their views in the corporate so the conflicts can be resolved. Aim The present report includes spread awareness about the cultural spaces. The cultural capability facilities to the individual to armed with behaviors, knowledge, and relevant skills. Cultural is a fundamental division of entitys existence. There is increasing the necessity of ethnic spaces with commercial administrations (Holley and Steiner, 2005). The present report makes analysis and observation of the popular television friends. Under the given video then it provides a situation in which describes the cultural capability and safe spaces. In addition, it also provides the recommendation on the cultural capability. Scope The scope of the report is involved to observe and analyze the famous friends series season 4. In this report make an analysis on the different parts of the friends series and describes the scenes (Spencer-Oatey and Franklin, 2012). In the different division, the first division explains about what is actually safe space and defines about the professional conferences which twisted to be treacherous place manager interview interruption. At the end of the video describes the workplace become safer when the Rachel confronts her boss and gets to make a deal with her. Summary and Observations Summary of Video Clip Name of show- Friends series, episode 9 seasons 4. General overview of the scene The leading division shows that struggle in between the Rachel and her Boss. They were making conflicts over the Rachel elevation with the corporation. Further, this scene explains Rachel interview with Jonna in which her boss tries to interference, later Rachel become frustrated Key characters Rachel, Jonna, and the boss are the key characters under these divisions. Observations The video, in this explosion taken, is based on demonstrated cultural safety and the unsafety at the workplace. The following points which are going to be described through the making analysis of the scene and the situation which are present in the video. The first division includes about the 75 seconds in the starting videos. The basically observation in which the Jonna provide the open room and there is a lot of spaces which is required for to make an individual feel safe and express their ideas. As per the observation, the Rachel was nervous and she feels hesitated to express her views. The atmosphere was proper for in an interview. In addition, the interviews started and her boss asking to very bad questions and the making her unconformable during the interviews. At the end, the Rachel feel unsafe and she left the interviews and end to her boss to express her views and sabotages. At the middle of the video describes the Rachel conversation with her boss, in this timing the Rachel is described about the unsafe work culture and how bad the interviews were and Joannas behavior. The Rachel feel very bad about the interviews and the way it was conducted by her boss. She felt crying and the expressed her views regarding to the unsafe spaces. It is interpreted from the above scene it is essential for individuals to express their views in the corporate sectors and along with this, if any type of the issues is identified can be resolved through the meetings. At the end of the video, Rachels boss told to make meetings with each other and try to resolve the problems. The Rachel is giving the resignations which make her boss aware of the work and her seriousness regarding the sabotage interviews. Finally, Jonna, admits why he made the interviews so bad for the Rachel. The reason is that Rachel is good assistant and she does not want to lose good assistant Analysis Cultural Capability and Awareness As per making the observation of the video, it can be defined that cultural capability and awareness refers as the open space and freedom. In the today globalization era, cultural diversity is increased. In the business environment, it is essential for the companies in order to provide all the freedom and the working conditions through which they can make open culture and also make sure that to get enough spaces to express their views and ideas regarding the business and the other things. This type of systems allowed in each organization so employees can solve their conflicts and the also they can present better work within working environment This is clearly shown in the given video. As per the observing the video first division, in which the Jonna provides an open environment for conducting the interview and also makes clear distance from the Rachel, Such system is a sign of the good intercultural environment and the safe working conditions (Spencer-Oatey and Franklin, 2012). It ma kes the Rachel comfortable and makes the interview more effective. Through the observation of the video, it is also noticed that work culture of the office is also very open the people which are making interacting to each other, it clearly shows the cultural capability. In addition, the next when the Jonna make the interview bad and try to down the moral of the Rachel, she directly makes open communication to her boss and expresses her unwillingness to conduct the work. Cultural Empathy The cultural intelligence or Cultural Empathy refers to the measure a persons capacity to function in the business environment. By observing the video it is identified that each individual use the different types body language, tone of voice and words. According to each other expression and the behavior the individual changing her behavior, it shows the as clear way of the cultural intelligence. , Rachel uses a frustrated voice of tone and when she confronts her boss about the sabotages interview. By seeing the Rachel frustrated voice and her body language her boss becomes aware of her seriousness regarding the situation (Flanja, 2009). Her boss makes her voice clam-down and also she is listening very carefully to Rachel so later she can provide a suggestion or help to solve the conflicts effectively. This is an example of the cultural intelligence and the way in which it is making and adjusting individual behavior according to the situations, it is identified that such cultural inte lligence should be adopted by the each individual who is working in the business environment so they can promote a better work in the business. It leads to solve many problems easily and also organization can retain employees (Rolls and Wignell, 2015). For example, in the video the Rachel provide resignation, her boss becomes alter and offer the different deal, it is cultural intelligence which clearly makes the businesss culture different and provide more facilities to employees in order to enjoy the corporate freedom. Cultural Safety The cultural safety refers to create a safe environment in the business organization. In the present world, it is essential for the business to provide all the essential elements which are required for the safe environment. In the present video, it is clear that, the company in which the Rachel is working give unique safety environment. The employees when working in the business it is important to provide them all the required elements and the safety which they should be received from during the business (Rolls and Wignell, 2015). By making the observation of the video, it is identified that the Rachel get fair treatment related to the cultural safety in the video. As per the video analysis, she gets the chance to talk Jonna so they can solve conflicts and also she received alternative options from her boss. It makes and provide cultural safety in the business and also helps the employees to work in the business. cultural shock The cultural shock refers when employees cannot work in the business environment, it refers to that environment in which employees of the company feel unsafe and did not get the freedom to work independently. There are different types of the business organization which did not provide the safe and space in their work culture. It leads to many problems for the company. for example, in the video where the Rachel is feeling distrusted under the conditions and the way the interview was taken. She was crying because of the environment she received during the interview. Such type of behavior and unsafe workspace make employees and another individual to change their work abilities (Russell, 2011). The Rachel was about to giving to resignation. Such types of the culture should be avoided from the workplace in order to maintained harmony and peace at workplaces. Recommendations By making an analysis of the video and observing the video it is clear that workspace safety and space is essential for the company. Following are the future recommendation on the safe space in the company such as: It is recommended for the workplace culture that all business origination should provide an open culture and develop the business intelligence. There are several ways in order to conduct to develop the safe and space incorporates. The business organization can provide training and conduct meetings regarding to what is safe space which needs to be followed in the company. In addition, the company can also provide the guidelines to overcome such problems and make aware to employees at each level to make adopt the cultural spaces. Summary and Conclusion Summing up the present report it can be concluded that cultural capability many advantages within the workplace. The present is based on Friends TV series. In the report, the video clip adequately demonstrated the actual capability of the cultural and the cultural intelligence among employees. As present in the video clip, Rachel and Joanna both openly make conversation and also express their views with each other. This leads to open culture and leads to reach a consensual decision. Along with this, the clip has also demonstrated the importance of cultural capabilities and cultural awareness. References Brislin, R., Worthley, R., Macnab, B. (2006). Cultural intelligence: Understanding behaviors that serve peoples goals. Group Organization Management, 31(1), 40-55. Bruhn, J. G. (2005). Culture-brain interactions. Integrative physiological and behavioral science, 40(4), 243-254. Flanja, D. (2009). Culture shock in intercultural communication. Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai. Studia Europaea, 54(4), 107. Holley, L. C., Steiner, S. (2005). Safe space: Student perspectives on classroom environment. Journal of Social Work Education, 41(1), 49-64. Rolls, N. Wignell, P. (2015). Communicating at University. Darwin, NT: Charles Darwin University. Russell, K. M. (2011). Growing up a third culture kid: A sociological self-exploration. Human Architecture, 9(1), 29. Spencer-Oatey, H., FRANKLIN, P. (2012). What is culture. A compilation of quotations. GlobalPAD Core Concepts.

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