Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Organizational Culture Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Organizational Culture - Assignment Example During the recruitment phase the prospective employees are required to fill firms having features like cross-word puzzles, so as to extend to the future employees the idea of what Zappos is all about. During the encounter phase Zappos resorts to an extensive orientation program to immerse the new employees into the quintessential Zappos values. The company offers the new employees a $1000 reward in case they decide not to join Zappos. This gives the new employees an idea of the kind of commitment to organizational values that Zappos expects of them. During the last phase of organizational socialization that is during the change and acquisition phase, Zappos allows the employees to evince commitment to its essential value of customer service in an extempore and innately natural manner. The Zappos employees are not expected to resort to any script or format while dealing with the customers. Zappos also offers happy hours to its employees when they engage in team activities and recreati on. This allows the employees to develop commitment to the Zappos values in their own unique and natural manner. 2. There is no denying the fact that the success of a company to a large extent depends on its employees’ capacity to gel their personal beliefs and values with the organizational values. Zappos has a concerted strategy aimed at assuring that its organizational values fit with the values of the people it hires. Zappos has an extensive recruitment program which seriously digs into the values of the prospective employees to access as to what extent the values of a future employee blend with the Zappos’ organizational values. Once the employees are recruited, Zappos conducts an orientation programs to make sure that the new employees do get an idea of the essential Zappos values woven around customer service and ingenuity. Zappos offers to every new employee an incentive of $1000, in case one decides to quiet right at the start. This strategy extends to Zappos an opportunity to access as to what extent the values of the recruited employees blend with the organizational values. This also helps Zappos configure that to what extent an employee is comfortable with and committed to the organizational values. Part B 1. A few years back I had a chance to work at the local Sugar Sweet Bakery. It was a Big Bakery that employed around 67 people. Extending a personalized service to each and every customer happened to be a core value at Sugar Sweet Bakery. To embed this value in the organizational culture, Mr. Butler, the owner of the Bakery made it a point to role model the core values that this business was committed to. Each and every employee at Sugar Sweet was personally greeted by Mr. Butler every morning as one entered the Bakery. All employees were expected to have their breakfast every morning with Mr. Butler and other managers at the Bakery premises. During breakfast employees were encouraged the share their experiences and concerns with ea ch other and the management. The objective was to give way to a family like atmosphere at the organization. Consequently the employees carried this acquired value of personalized care to the customers and extended a personalized and customized service to each and every customer that visited the Sugar Sweet Bakery. 2. Though the family like organizational atmosphere at this

Monday, October 28, 2019

Impact of Emotional Intelligence on Manager Performance

Impact of Emotional Intelligence on Manager Performance The impact of emotional intelligence on managers’ performance: Evidence from hospitals located in Tehran ABSTRACT Context: Most of the studies show that emotional intelligence (EI) is an important factor for effective leadership and team performance in organizations. Aims: This research paper aims to provide an exploratory analysis of EI in the hospitals managers located in Tehran, and examine its relation to their performance. Settings and Design: The present research was an analytical and cross-sectional study. Setting of the study was hospitals located in Tehran, Iran. Subjects and Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional study from a matched sample of 120 managers and 360 subordinates in hospitals located in Tehran. Cyberia shrink EI measure was used for assessing the EI of the participants. Moreover, a management performance Questionnaire is specifically developed for the present study. The total of 480 questionnaires analyzed throughout Kolmogorov–Smirnov, Mann–Whitney, and Kruskal–Wallis tests in SPSS. Results: The findings suggested a poor EI among hospital managers. As for EI subscales, social skills and self-motivation were in the highest and lowest levels respectively. Moreover, the results indicated that EI increases with experience. The results also showed there is no significant relationship between the components of EI and the performance of hospital managers. Conclusions: Present research indicated that higher levels of EI did not necessarily lead to better performance in hospital managers. Key words: Emotional intelligence, hospital managers, performance INTRODUCTION Emotional intelligence (EI) is the ability to identify, appraise, and handle one’s emotions.[1] Goleman and Sutherland[2] define EI as the ability to motivate oneself and persist in the face of frustration; to control impulses and delay gratification; to regulate one’s moods and keep distress from swapping the ability to think; to emphasize and to hope. As such Bar On,[3] defines EI as being concerned with understanding oneself and others, in relation with people and coping with the immediate surroundings in order to be more successful in dealing with environmental demands. Weisinger[4] sees EI as the intelligent use of feelings or making one’s emotions work to one’s advantage by using them to help guide behavior and thinking in beneficial ways. In this study, EI were defined as set of skills that contribute to the accurate appraisal and expression of emotion in oneself and in others, the impressive regulation of emotion, and the utilization of feelings to plan, persuade, and achieve in life.[5] Many studies have been conducted about EI that addressed both its concept and its measurement.[6] Some researchers believe in an ability model of EI,[5] while others claim that EI consists of both cognitive ability and personality aspects.[2,3] The ability model perceives EI as a form of pure intelligence, that is, EI is a cognitive ability. Salovey and Mayer’s model of EI is measured using the Mayer-Salovey-Caruso EI test, a performance measure which requires the participant to complete tasks associated with EI.[7] In contrast, the mix models of EI either emphasize how cognitive and personality factors influence general well-being[3] or focus on how cognitive and personality factors determine workplace success.[2] Bar On’s model is measured by using the emotion quotient inventory and Goleman’s model is measured by using the emotional competency inventory, the EI appraisal,[8] and the Work Profile Questionnaire.[9] Put it in perspective, research has shown that EI is an important factor in the workplace.[10-14] Researchers argue that EI is a critically important competency for effective leadership and team performance in organizations.[14-16] Some theorists claim that EI of managers can affect work output,[10,11] although evidence for this is not sufficient more.[17,18] EI has been reported to be positively associated with job satisfaction.[14] EI employees will be more capable of controlling their perception of the environment in which they work.[14] Leaders who are high on EI will be better able to take advantage of and use their positive moods and emotions to envision major improvements in their organizations’ functioning. They are also likely to have knowledge about the fact that their positive moods may cause them to be overly optimistic. Moreover, job performance is the aggregated value to the organization of the behavioral episodes performed by individuals over time that have posi tive or negative consequences for the organization.[19] Managers high on EI can foster their employees’ creativity through interaction with them and via the creation of a work climate supportive of creativity.[20,21] In addition, managers high on EI can create positive interactions between employees that leads to better cooperation,[22] coordination[23] and organizational behavior.[8,14] Furthermore managers high on EI help their employees in creating a good working climate and also reliable relationship with the customers.[24] Given the discussion above, EI plays a significant role in the manager-employee relationship and their performance. Though, the effects of EI on managers’ performance have not been assessed more in healthcare context. Considering the differences of the hospital environment in compare with other organizations, this study provides good evidence, with assessing the effect of EI on managers’ performance in hospitals environment for decision makers in health sector. SUBJECTS AND METHODS The present research was an analytical and cross-sectional study which were done in hospitals affiliated to three medical universities in Tehran (Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran University of Medical Sciences and Shahid Behshti University of Medical Sciences). For selecting the samples in this study, only managers who had a minimum of three subordinates were included. Finally 120 top, middle, and lower level managers of the hospitals were selected. Moreover, 360 individuals participated in this study to appraise performance of the managers; in that each three individuals evaluated the performance of their direct manager. Overall, 480 questionnaires were completed by the participants and data were analyzed by Kolmogorov–Smirnov, Mann–Whitney, and Kruskal–Wallis tests in Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA), version 16. This study was approved by Iran University of Medical Sciences Ethics Committee. Participants in this study were informed that participating in this study is voluntary; which means if they don’t like to answer some questions they are free not to answer them and their biography will be treated as confidential and will not be disclosed. Furthermore participants provided informed consent for publication of this work. In this study, we followed Goleman’s model and examines five aspects of EI: self-awareness (the ability to recognize and understand personal moods and emotions, and their influence on postpone judgment and to think before acting), self-motivation (a passion to work for internal reasons that go beyond money and status), social awareness (the ability to understand the emotional makeup of other people), and social skills (the ability to manage relationships and build networks, and to find common ground and build rapport).[2] For this, Cyberia shrink EI questionnaire was used for assessing the EI of the participants. This questionnaire measures five subscales, namely self-awareness (seven items), self-regulation (four items), self-motivation (four items), empathy or social awareness (five items), and social skills (five items). [2] Moreover a management performance (MP) Questionnaire was specifically developed for the present study, which measures four major subscales: planning (8 items), organization (12 items), leadership (18 items), and control (12 items). Reliability and validity tests were conducted on Farsi version of the EI questionnaire and MP questionnaire with multivariate measure. To assess the acceptance of the questionnaires, 10 people involved at least 10 years in the field of academic managerial practice were invited to participate I order to revising parts of the questionnaires. At the end, all participants expressed high agreement to the appropriateness of the questionnaires. The questionnaires finalized after modifying some questions accordingly. Furthermore Cronbach’s alpha measured for the tools. The results showed that Cronbach’s alpha of Farsi version of EI questionnaire for all dimensions was as 0.89, and for MP questionnaire was as 0.88, which indicates strong reliability for our survey instruments. RESULTS Data showed 92 (76.6%) of samples were male and 28 (23.4%) were female. Participants’ age ranged from 23 to 57 (the majority of the managers belonged to the 40–50 years group) and the average age was 43.45 (standard deviation [SD] = 7.51). 45% of the managers had been >10 years of experience (mean = 14.24, SD = 7.14). The results show performance of male managers in public hospitals (mean 36 Â ± 13) was better that those in private hospitals (mean 35 Â ± 23). On the other hand, the performance of female managers in private hospitals (mean 38 Â ± 16) was significantly better that those in public hospitals (mean 36 Â ± 17). Emotional intelligence subscales scores of managers show that social skills have the highest rank and self-motivation has the lowest rank. In general, the EI score of hospital managers in this study was 56% [Table 1]. Moreover, there is no significant difference between the EI of men and women. Based on the result of this research, hospital managers in higher levels have a higher level of EI. Tough in some subscales of EI such as social awareness and social skills, middle managers have the highest score [Table 2]. The results of this study also showed, there is no significant relationship between education and the level of EI. However, this relationship is significant in social awareness. Moreover, the EI of the managers increased with experience, but this did not apply to all subscales of EI; as such in social awareness. Based on the results, a correlation was observed between the EI of hospital managers and their performance, although this correlation was not significant in any subscale of EI [Table 3]. DISCUSSION This study tried to assess the level EI of managers in hospitals located in Tehran and examine the relationship between the EI of hospital managers and the level of their performances. The result of this research shows there is a relation between EI of managers and their performances. However this relationship is not statistically significant. Most researches has shown that EI is positively associated with interview outcomes,[25] management analytical,[26] issues,[27] team working,[28] conceptual tasks[27] and (behavioral, job and employees) performance.[29-31] Studies have also depicted that emotional perception facilitates performance. Day and Carroll[17] showed that emotional perception was correlated with performance on a cognitive decision-making task. Newcombe and Ashkanasy[32] also showed evocation of positive expressed emotion through facial display has a significant and strong impact on follower and affect, the quality of the perceived leader-member relationship, which in turn with the result of present study. Langhorn[33] determined key areas of profit performance were correlated with the EI pattern of the general manager. Lyons and Schneider[34] examined the relationship of ability-based EI facets with performance under stress. They found that certain dimensions of EI were related to more challenge and enhanced performance. Hayashi and Ewert[35] reported a positive relationship between EI and successful leadership. Furthermore, Eicher[36] describe EI as a suitable basis in developing the staff’s executive programs. Offermann et al.[37] determined although both cognitive ability and emotional competence (intelligence) predict performance, cognitive ability accounts for more variance on individual tasks, whereas emotional competence accounts for more variance in team performance and attitudes. As such our study shows, performance of managers is multi-dimensional variable which can be affected by other factors like organizational factors, level of employees’ motivation than EI. Moreover the results of this study shows, there are no significant differences between EI of men and women. Although in those subscales associated with the social behavior (social awareness and social skills) women had higher scores than men. Generally, women are more aware of emotions, show more empathy, and have higher interpersonal communication skills.[3] As were discussed, in many of the previous studies, EI has been reported to be positively associated with performance. However, the results of the present research indicated that there is no significant relationship between the components of EI the performance of hospital managers. In other words, higher levels of EI did not lead to better performance in the hospital managers. CONCLUSIONS The current study shows managers in hospitals located in Tehran, had weak performance from their subordinates’ perspectives, and EI scores of managers were not in good condition. Moreover this research shows, unlike other related studies, there is no significant relationship between performance and EI of hospital managers. The effects of factors on the hospital managers’ performances should be assessed in more holistic point of view than considering EI as a determined factor on it.

Friday, October 25, 2019

the garand :: essays research papers

The US Rifle M1 was the first semiautomatic rifle to be the standard small arm of the US Military, and the first semiautomatic rifle to be adopted by a major military power. It was the product of a genius, John Cantius Garand. While the M1 Rifle was never officially referred to as the Garand, it is known by no other name so widely. First adopted in 1936, the M1 Rifle served the US in World War II, Korea, a host of "police actions" and interventions, and, in the hands of allies, in the Vietnam War. Even there the US Army used the M1 rifle as a sniper rifle even though the M1 had by that time been supplanted by the M14 and later the M16. The M1 Garand is a full-blown combat rifle with maximum range of 3,200 meters and maximum effective range of 400 meters. Fully loaded with 8-round en block clip, cleaning kit in butt stock, sling and with stock of dense GI issue wood the M1 weighed in at 11-1/4 lbs. The M1 came into production in 1936 using the .30-06 rifle cartridge. It was the designated service rifle of World War II and the Korean War for the United States Military. Also was designed for semi-automatic fire using a spring steel clip containing 8 rounds. This is where the term "clip" originated. All other rifles used a detachable or fixed magazine. There is some discussion on whether this is accurate though. The M1 Garand was designed for long-range accuracy and was the only rifle that had fully adjustable rear sights, with windage and elevation. Criticisms of the M1 are its weight, limited ammunition supply, the fact that single rounds could not be pushed in (8 round clip, or nothing). Also, the spent clip was automatically ejected after the last round was fired, making a distinctive sound, which could be fatal in close quarter or sniper operations. This be true the M1 proved to be quite accurate, durable, rugged and reliable. The M1 Rifle was also distributed to several nations under many American military assistance programs and used to date. During The Vietnam War the M1 served as a training rifle for troops inducted into the U.S. Army and still serves in the training rifle role for the U.S. Navy. The M1 was the main rifle of many military reserve units until the mid-1970s (for example, the M1 was seen in the hands of Illinois National Guard troops during confrontations between Guardsmen and demonstrators outside the 1968 Democratic National Convention complex), when it was replaced by the M16.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Foreign Players in English Football

On 30 December 2009, the Barclays Premier League football match between Arsenal and Portsmouth made English football history as the first match not to include any British players. Arsenal’s team of multi-million pound foreign stars won the game comfortably, 4-1; some would argue this is all that matters, but those who are passionate about football – the real connoisseurs of the English game – will recognize a deep underlying issue. Modern day football is unrecognizable compared to what has preceded it.In times past, teams were fashioned by nurturing young home-grown talent and bolstering the squad with a few lads from Scotland and Ireland. Now the common consensus is that to achieve any success it is necessary to catch the attention of an exceedingly wealthy oil tycoon who will buy the club and proceed to spend ? 200 million a year on overpriced talent from the four corners of the world. This ethos is destroying British football. For example in the Premier League there are 337 registered foreign players representing a total of 66 different countries.That equates to an average of 17 foreign players per squad; the averages in Italy, France and Spain are all around 10. On the first day of the inaugural Premier League season in 1992 just 22 non-British players started; on the first day of this season 124 started. It isn’t right that success should be based on finance, is it? In 2004 Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich bought Chelsea F. C. , a team which hadn’t won the league since 1954. He splashed an extravagant amount of money on the creme de la creme of foreign talent from around the globe.Three seasons later they experienced unprecedented success which, would never have happened without the cash injection. However, it was all achieved with just three regularly playing British players, who only made the squad because they were exceptional talents which money could not replace. This set a new benchmark for all the top teams in the land, making a clear statement that if they wanted to match Chelsea’s success they would have to match Chelsea’s spending and sacrifice their home-grown players or risk being left behind.In 1995 the British transfer record was ? 7,000,000; by 2006 the record had sharply risen to ? 30,800,000, and player wages were spiralling out of control. It is true that this has lead to stronger squads, and the Premier League being viewed as the strongest league in the World, with consistent success in Europe, but can it be right to sacrifice our own players for this success? I think not. Journalists, pundits and just about every football fan in England have formed their own theories concerning England’s miserable failure at the 2010 World Cup in South Africa.Many causes have been suggested, yet to me the reason is obvious. If one analyses the teams which were most successful in South Africa, a definite trend appears. Spain won the World Cup this year. Many argue that the y reached the final against Holland mainly because 77. 1% of footballers in their domestic league are qualified to play for the national team, a direct result of home-grown players being given the opportunity in their clubs' first teams. In the Premier League fewer than 40% of players are English. Jose Luis Astiazaran, president of the Spanish Football League, said. Our strategy is to work very hard with young home-grown players and to try to have a mix between them and experienced players†¦ we invest more  and more in young Spanish players than in young foreign players. England has  many times taken young players from outside†¦ these kinds of players are not English. This is one of the most important differences between Spain and England. We invest in  young Spanish players†¦ maybe this is why at the moment you are not creating young English players. † One view is that foreign players benefit the English players, who apparently perform better alongside th e World’s best. I think – don’t you? that if more money, time, and attention were put into cultivating the abundance of young English talent, the English players themselves would be the world’s best. The Premier League have recognised this, and this year the F. A. implemented new squad rules controlling the number of foreign players in each squad. This is a start towards reducing the amount of foreign players in the league, but the rules are too loose and easy to circumvent. Foreign players can be bought in from a young age and developed in the academies; this means the young Englishmen still don’t get the attention they crave in order to advance their careers.In my opinion the influx of foreign players in England is the single most detrimental factor in the game, leading to over-inflated transfer fees, increase in ticket prices, under development of home-grown players and ultimately the destruction of the national team. The Premier League must rev iew its policies, and clubs must invest in their academies or English national football will continue to deteriorate well into the future, and so many young aspiring footballers will be cast aside, and I for one cannot see that happen to the sport I and so many other Brits love.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Learning from Mistake, Agree or Disagree

I don't like to make mistake. Everything to me has to be perfect because I felt that if one person made a mistake the first time, how they would be able to do anything. That is why learning from mistake is impossible to me. When you make mistake and try to learn something from your mistake, you will waste lots of things, ruin the way that people look about you. In addition, learning from mistakes will make you regret much. First of all, learning from our mistakes will waste you lots of things. You will waste your time because you have to do again everything that you did in the wrong way.It seems too hard to start something again which is done one time already. By doing again, you will feel bored and tired. Not only doing it over, but also, you have to find where you did it wrong and give yourself a lesson in order to prevent from making that mistake once more. Studying in this school is an example. If you failed, you had to spend 16 weeks in fall or spring semester and 8 weeks in sum mer semester. You have to study again. In addition, learning from your mistake will waste your money. Failing in this school is an instance.You have to spend lots of money on the subject that you failed to study again. Spending 75 US dollar for each subject in ELS program and 150 US dollar for each subject in AAS program is the result. In learning, you always have many chances to fix your mistake but how about in working, will you have any opportunity? In reality, the real world, you will not have second chance. Especially, in the business world, where everything is a competition, you do not have the time to learn from mistakes. So, you are forced to do everything completely.Even though you can learn from your mistakes, you do not have chance to fix them. It means that you will be going to end up your career. That is the reason why I don't like to learn from my mistakes. Secondly, in daily life, learning from mistakes will ruin the way that your friends and family look or feel about you. Everyone will look at you with a strange way if you learn from your mistakes. In addition, they will laugh at you as a silly person. Even though you learn from mistakes, they will make you feel uncomfortable. My cousin is as an illustration.She failed high school exam. She said to me that her old friends looked at her with their curious eyes; her neighbor and her relative always annoyed her with their questions. She seemly lost her hope though she had a lesson from her mistakes and knew how to overcome this hard situation. In life, learning from your mistakes will affect your job and your ability to success. When you work in a company and you always say that I have lots of experience from my mistakes. Then, you continue making mistakes. What will your boss and you co-worker think about your ability?Of course, they will suspect your capability. In addition, does the company want to hire employees that always make mistake and say that they learn a lot from their mistakes? In my point of view, people do not care about if you learn from your mistakes or not. They just look at your mistake because caring about your learning from mistakes dose not bring any benefits to them. In a company, the boss just wants to have perfect employees- hard working and aâ‚ ¬? no-mistakeaâ‚ ¬? employees. More over, your boss may think that if he allows employees to make mistakes, how will they ever learn?They will just keep on making even more mistakes. Further more, when you learn from your mistakes, people who do not like you will know where you are weak. It will be easy for them to let you down. They can seize your status in your company. Everything that you have will not belong to you any more. It belongs to people who want to harm you. So, learning from your mistakes will deteriorate yourself and bring disadvantages to your life. Thirdly, learning from mistakes will make you regret much. You may think that you do not willing to do any things that you face.You have not enough experience to overcome your challenges. Further more, you will be diffident when you face some hard situations. So, you do not concern much about what you are doing. Students who learn from their mistakes will be discouraged because they used to not to pay more attention to their study. They do not prepare any things for their future. In addition, felling ashamed and giving up their goal is the affect of learning from mistakes. The more complicated mistakes they learn, the more shameful they feel. To me, if I do something, you I will do it for a reason and I will not regret.I find that regretting is a bad way. If you know results that will not good for you, why donaâ‚ ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢t you try to prevent that? To me, I before doing something will always attempt to think about what Iaâ‚ ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢m going to do first. In addition, I usually consider about the result of doing something. I ask myself that if doing some things will bring benefit to me or not. So, I may choose the way that will not make me regret. Right now, we are living in an achievement and success oriented world. So, a popular rule is whenever you do anything, try to do it right.That is why, to me, learning from mistakes is something unacceptable. In conclusion, I do not like learning from mistakes. Everybody can reduce as much mistake as possible. By preparing yourself and hard working, I believe that you can overcome everything in your life. In addition, do not think about learning from your mistakes because it just brings disadvantages to your life. It not only makes you spend lots of things, but also lays down the way that your relative look at you and makes you regret much. Hopefully, you will be strong and confident to overcome every hard situation.