Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The Case Against Perfection Ethics And The Problems That...

Adrian Calvache May 4, 2015 POL 270 Term Paper The birth of a child is supposed to be a time of joy, the uncertainty of life leads to this one point in time. Will she or he be the next president, a star athlete, a genius or just fall into the crowd as another citizen. With recent advancements in science, this uncertainty has become a thing of the past. The human being is now seen as a commodity and no more is valued in the uncertainty of individuality. The parent can now choose how they want their child to come out or develop into. Sandel’s book The Case Against Perfection: Ethics in the Case of Modern Eugenics is a well researched look into examples of modern eugenics and the problems that arise from it. These topics range from the ethics of cloning, athletes using performance enhancing drugs, and other practical uses in everyday life. Sandel’s argument is that there is value in human nature (even with all its flaws), and genetic engineering will forever change human nature. Destroying the very essence o f what it is to be human and scarring humanity. The main features of human nature that will be altered: are responsibility, humility and solidarity. No more are the days of an parent in the waiting room, waiting to hear if there child is born with a disability, for a hefty fee the baby can be genetically altered to come out perfect in a sense. The wealthy can pick almost everything down to the hair and eye color, the time of uncertainty is over for those who are wealthy.Show MoreRelatedThe Morality Of Genetic Enhancement884 Words   |  4 PagesEnhancement The morality of genetic enhancement (GE) differs from person to person. The stance Michael J. Sandel’s takes is that eugenics and GE has no morality. He states in his work, â€Å"The case against Perfection†, that manipulating ones genes makes one less human; since, humans are not perfect which is what makes one human and by designing a perfect person one is taking away their humanity. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

E-commerce Implementation in Amazon

Question: Discuss about the E-commerce Implementation in Amazon. Answer: Introduction Purpose The report depicts the importance of implementing Electronic Commerce solution in business organizations. After introducing the concept of E-commerce, the revenue of the organizations will automatically increase due to the presence of certain promising features. The purpose of the report is to represent a clear view on E-commerce marketing strategies and its positive impact on organizations. Apart from this, it is also found that, social media also plays important role in organizational development. In order to prepare this report, three organizations such as Amazon, ebay and Lazada are selected. The social media is one of the most rapidly growing phenomenon and they have the deepest in the business organizations. This report demonstrates the business review given by the consumers of the organizations and their future trends as well. On the other hand it is also found that certain issues are also associated to E-commerce implementation. In order to mitigate these issues, recommendati ons are also served in this report. Background of the chosen organizations Amazon: is an online shopping cart based on 500 ecommerce companies throughout the world. WA.Amazon is the first organizations that become famous for selling products over internet channel (Flanagin et al., 2014). In the year of 1994, the organization was founded by Jeff Bezos. The business initially started as an online bookstore and gradually converted to a multi store by adding different items such as clothing, kitchen appliances, home appliances, accessories, electronic goods and cosmetics. The online shopping cart was launched in 1995 and in 1999, in Time Magazine an article was launched on the success story of Amazon as an online shopping cart. Ebay: In the year of 1995, ebay was founded by Pierre Omidyar and Jeff Skoll.The Customer to Customer (C2C) Ecommerce business model is utilized by ebay for their shopping cart. Ebay was the first organization that was using the concept of C2C business. In this shopping cart, the seller and buyers both are referred to as consumers. The first thing sold in this shopping cart is the broken laser pointer of Omidyar in $14. Even, this portal is concern about the consumer security. The confidential information of the consumer is kept secured and none of the external users could hack those without the permission of the customers. Lazada: Lazada is one of the leading online shopping and selling destination of Malaysia. This online shopping portal mainly operates in the southeastern Asia. The portal is secured and user friendly thus, the consumers feel free to get connected with this shopping portal. The products served by the company include different categories such as health and beauty products, home and living appliances, electronic gadgets and different kitchen appliances also. In the year of 2011 this privately owned organization was founded by Rocket internet. Business review Number of followers and like for the organizations Number of followers and likes for Amazon Name of the social media Likes till January 2017 Followers Facebook 23 million - Twitter - 108 million followers Instagram - - Pinterest - - Number of followers and likes for ebay Name of the social media Likes till January 2017 Facebook 83% Twitter 1.7 % Pinterest 1.95% Others 6.1 Number of followers and likes for Lazada Name of the social media Likes till January 2017 Followers Facebook 16,290,280 - Twitter - 1,358 Instagram - 4,979 Pinterest - 19 Posts that are engaging and promote positive attitudes to the organizations The intension of the consumers is to save money always and the promotional post served by Amazon helps the consumers to take effective decision regarding the shopping and a particular product. The consumers always look for the entire range of promotional offerings. In order to make the promotional program effective, Amazon advertises their products with the help of sufficient value and favorable influences (Ritala, Golnam Wegmann, 2014 ). The policy and the restrictions are defined by the terms and condition framed by the organization itself. The eligibility criteria include eligibility, exclusion, return and cancellation, purchase requirement and other rules and the shipping eligibility. The current promotional post of Amazon is advertised in television and different social networking media such as facebook and twitter. The promoting listening capability of ebay helps to boost up the visibility. The promoted listening is available in all the active stores of ebay situated in Germany, Australia, UK and US. This is the most recent and promising promoting aspect used by ebay. This is a risk free and one of the smartest way to get the item as per the user requirement (Varia Mathew, 2014). This approach is exposed by almost 30 percent and it helps to put the seller merchandise in front of more active shoppers. Te promotional listening could pay after the selling of the item and it could also success the monitor. It provides various discount codes for the consumers. From the promotional campaign and condition it has been found that Lazada intensify the promotion that is present in the major cities of Indonesia. The organization is under the fourth year of its operation and the regional giant of E-commerce used by Lazada is focusing to expand its business and grab more number of consumers throughout southeastern Asia (Jennings, 2014). The goals of the privately owned organization are to built and expand its business and it has become the southeastern version of In order to grab huge number of consumers currently the organization is using facebook, twitter, Pinterest and many other social media (Aversa et al., 2015). The E-commerce market forecast implies that, due to the promotional activities the organizations has reached $25 billion from $8 billion. Number of user generated reviews and ratings The customer review is generated from the consumers itself and it is based on their feeling after using or buying that particular product. Amazon uses the reviews in terms of star rating and the rating is in between 1 to 5. If the consumers are very much satisfied with the product then he or she provides 5 out of 5 (Kantor Streitfeld, 2015). On the other hand, if the consumers are not satisfied with any particular product then he or she will provide lesser review rate. Over the changing year the growth of the review rate is increasing very fast. After analyzing the collected data set it has been found that, Amazon has got over 1.2 million of review ratings for their products. The review rate for the electronic goods served by Amazon is the best on the other hand for garments and other product categories the review rate is also very good. Moreover the rate of the distributive review on the electronic product is increasing at a rapid rate. After analyzing the price of the product it has been found that for same product the price range varies at a vast rate (DaSilva Trkman, 2014). It is determined that the relationship between the product and the average length of the review fr the product is quite surprising in case of Amazon. Ebay serves a C2C ecommerce business process, where the previous consumer plays the role of a buyer. For the ebay community feedback is referred to as one of the most important things. After understanding the number of stars the organization will be able to get the number of consumer review (Laroche, Habibi Richard, 2013). Even in the feedback profile, the feedback of the consumers in terms of star rating is the most important thing. As in case of ebay one consumer can serve sell their products to another consumer. It means if a consumer feel satisfied with the product then he or she will give star rating based on their satisfaction level. The online cart gives opportunity to both the seller and the buyer. The seller will get star rating and depending on the number of star the color of the star will also change. Even, different promotional activities are also served by ebay and they also use advertisement for organizational promotion. Lazada serves their products mainly in southeastern Asia and to maintain the reputation the promotional activities of Lazada are taking place in facebook, twitter, Google and in many other social media (Brovman et al., 2016). It also has 5 stars rating and based on the quality of the product, the consumers give their view in terms of tar rating. If the rating is above 2.8 then it will be termed as acceptable and of the rating s less than that then it will not be accepted by the company (Wamba Carter, 2016). Though, from the consumer review status it has been found that, with the return policy used by the organization the consumers are not all satisfied. Even the behaviors of the staffs are also quite unprofessional and due to that reason the time frame of delivery is not at all as per the desire of the consumers. Though, for refund of the returned items the customer rating is very much satisfactory. The online social networks that encourages the sharing opinions Online social networks encourage the sharing opinion of all the shopping portals including the Amazon, Lazada and ebay. It has been found that there are many products those have not got any consumers review. Apart from the insightful comments helpful comments in the common platform will be referred to as more helpful for the online shopping cart to improve their business revenue (Maria, Kindangen Rumokoy, 2016). Both the best and even the worst product review are served by the social networks. Based on the product quality, price, quantity classification, the user generated reviews are provided. The official Web Pages of all the three organizations are connected to the social networks such as facebook, twitter, Instagram etc. The social media always influences the behavior of the online shopping. In order to read the review and to stay connected with the most recent fashion trends the number of digital buyers is increasing at a rapid rate. In the year of 2015, from a survey on online shopping it has been found that social media plays the most important role that influences the behavior of both the buyers and the seller (Wijayanto, 2017). The review rating helps the buyer to make an idea about the quality of the products. If they found that for a particular product the review is not satisfactory then the demand of that product will gradually decrease. In order to get consumer for that product the company is required to concentrate on the quality maintenance. Basically the review rating helps the consumers to get idea about the products (Hidayanto et al., 2014). This approach is known as electronic marketing, where the consumers could buy products and even pay for that product through online. Discussion on the ways through which the organizations interact and respond along to the consumers The norms and values are different for different organizations. It states that the consumers interaction is different for these three organizations though, the basic concept is same (Budi indrawati et al., 2016). Amazon uses 10 various ways through which they could transfer information to the consumer. For Amazon, Lazada and ebay the interaction approach are as follows: The proliferation of the customer review: This approach is strictly associated to the consumer rating. The review rating given by the customers are shared with others with the help of the social media (Jiang, et al., 2014). Depending on those ratings, the new consumers could make their decisions for product risk and their efficiency as well. A real time recommendation engine: Amazon is referred to as the king of cross selling approach. Based on the generated reviews and ratings certain recommendations are also served for the consumers. It helps to enhance the brand value and in store interaction (Evans Erkan, 2014). In addition to this, a toll free number is also available in the official website of the online shopping organizations through which the consumers can easily interact along with the service providers. Streamline checkout: One of the best and user friendly service is served. An automatic population shipping address, payment processing with needful security by maintaining the brand value, is another positive approach served by these organizations. Strategic shipping support: The most important thing that Amazon serves for its consumers is reliability (Horng, Wu Liang, 2016). After the order entry Amazon keeps appropriate track on the process flow. The positive and Professional Company Responds From the user review it has been found that except Lazada the other two organizations are very positive and professional as well from the aspect of consumer respond. Due to lack of reliability, Lazada fails to meet the requirement of the consumers from all the aspects. Amazon provides the most reliable and flexible consumer services to the consumers (Zhang Pennacchiotti, 2013). If any customer wants to return their products then, Amazon serves this very efficiently considering the brand value and belief of the consumers as well. Future Trends Analyzing the Future Direction Nowadays, consumers are getting more attracted towards online shopping while different physical retailers are closing down and underperforming in a wide range. A digital intelligence approach is using by these organizations to develop the business strategies. Amazon is using the intelligence gleaned from the digital operation in order to understand the requirement of the consumers (Das Sarma et al., 2014). This is leading towards a strategic principle which is growing part of the business process served by Amazon. The components served by Amazon include job posting, customer intelligence, operation intelligence and performance intelligence as well. However, Lazada needs to develop their customer care service to improve their business revenue. The C2C business strategy serves by ebay is quite effective but to gain more business revenue certain broad aspect are required to be considered by the organization. Recommendation In order to develop the business growth, some recommendations are provided that might help o overcome the business growth. For maintaining the business sustainability certain recommendations are provided to the organizations. These are as follows: Adaptation of demand driven planning: Based on the demand of the consumers the business organizations must develop the business planning. Adaptive supply chain management system: Proper supply chain managements system is required to be adapted by the organizations to improve the growth revenue. Optimization of the product design supply: The traditional product design approach is needed to be changed by adapting different technology based advantages. It will help to achieve the business sustainability of the business organizations. Technical development: Different technical advances are required to be adapted by the organizations to improve the production and business application as well. Conclusion From the overall discussion it can be concluded that all three organizations are very much successful in their business domain but still certain issues are also associated to this online shopping cart. These issues are continuously affecting the organizational fluent business progress. While analyzing different business aspects it has been found that the time required to prepare this report is lesser and due to lack of time proper information are not been collected from the resources. In order to understand the components those are needed to be maintained for business sustainability are also lagging. On the other hand due to lack of budget, proper review tools are not been used and thus proper information are not generated that are required to represent the report. In order to mitigate these challenges certain recommendations are provided. References Aversa, P., Haefliger, S., Rossi, A., Baden-Fuller, C. (2015). 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Monday, December 2, 2019

Margaret Thatcher has been one of the most influen Essays

Margaret Thatcher has been one of the most influential figures of the British politics. Not only she was the first and only elected female British prime minister, she was also the longest continuously serving British prime minister of the 20th century. As a British leader she transformed the political scene in many ways and set the tone , not only for the years of her government, but her legacy can be observed in the British politics until this very day. Margaret Thatcher was born on October 13, 1925 as Margaret Hilda Roberts into a family of grocer Alfred Roberts. She studied chemistry in Oxford, however when the Labour Party won the post-war general election and established the Welfare State, it was an impulse for her to pursue her political interests. In 1951 she married a businessman Denis Thatcher, which enabled her to fully focus on succeeding in her political career. Thatcher ' s way into the House of Commons was complicated. She tried to enter th e parliament already in 1950 and 1951 yet she did not succeed. It was only when Conservatives under Harold Macmillan won the election in 1959 when she won the seat as member of parliament in traditionally conservative constituency: Finchley. After several years serving in low position in the Conservative party, she acquired the position of Minister of Education in 1970, when Conservatives under Edward Heath won the election. Willie Whitelaw, Leader of the House of Commons, warned Heath: Once she's there we'll never get rid of her " . Back in the day he probably did not know how right he actually was. Thatcher was never a fan of the political rule of Edward Heath, mainly due to his indecisiveness and weakness when dealing with the trade unions. Once he lost the election she used the opportunity to her advantage and challenged him for the leadership of the Conservative party and succeeded. In 1979 she led Tories to a decisive victory and became the first British female Prime Minister. Her success was is attributed to the period before election labeled as " Winter of Discontent " . As the name implies the population of the United Kingdom was not content as their Labour government failed to make such needed changes in Britain, while the feeling of failed prevailed. Thatcher coming into power ended a long time of British political consensus which started already in the Second World War. This policy of unwritten agreement on the centrist approach of the two British main political parties was, according to Thatcher, the reason that hold Britain from utilising its full potential. Thatcher growing during the Second World War was very much influenced by Churchill speeches which saw Britain still as a great power. This was the view on Britain Thatcher cherished and tried to preserved which explains a significant amount of measures taken by her. Another element which was greatly reflected in her policies, was the influence of her father and h is business. He was the perfect example of an individual being economically or otherwise responsible for his own happiness and life, which created one of the main pillars of her policy. There were several ways how Thatcher changed the British political outlook. Firstly she brought the Conservatives back to the right side of the political spectre by introducing several traditional rightist policies. These policies involved the privatization of the state-owned businesses, closing unprofitable mines, selling public houses, drastic cuts on the state expenditure, curbing the power of Trade Unions and general shift of the British economy towards principles of monetarism. Despite the fact, that in long term these economic measures are seen as beneficiary for the British economy, in that time they made her deeply unpopular among the British citizens. The closing down of mines and privatisation brought enormous wave of unemployment which by 1986 reached more than three millions. This public opinion however changed before her second term and she won the election by a landslide. Traditionally, it is credited to two main events: The Falkland War and the issue of a new radical manifesto of the Labour Party. The Falklands War, not only brought the Thatcher the merits for making people in Britain feel like winners,

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

The Biography and Inventions of Inventor Thomas Edison

The Biography and Inventions of Inventor Thomas Edison Thomas Alva Edison was born on February 11, 1847, in Milan, Ohio; the seventh and last child of Samuel and Nancy Edison. When Edison was seven his family moved to Port Huron, Michigan. Edison lived here until he struck out on his own at the age of sixteen. Edison had very little formal education as a child, attending school only for a few months. He was taught reading, writing, and arithmetic by his mother, but was always a very curious child and taught himself much by reading on his own. This belief in self-improvement remained throughout his life. Work as a Telegrapher Edison began working at an early age, as most boys did at the time. At thirteen he took a job as a newsboy, selling newspapers and candy on the local railroad that ran through Port Huron to Detroit. He seems to have spent much of his free time reading scientific, and technical books, and also had the opportunity at this time to learn how to operate a telegraph. By the time he was sixteen, Edison was proficient enough to work as a telegrapher full time. First Patent The development of the telegraph was the first step in the communication revolution, and the telegraph industry expanded rapidly in the second half of the 19th century. This rapid growth gave Edison and others like him a chance to travel, see the country, and gain experience. Edison worked in a number of cities throughout the United States before arriving in Boston in 1868. Here Edison began to change his profession from telegrapher to inventor. He received his first patent on an electric vote recorder, a device intended for use by elected bodies such as Congress to speed the voting process. This invention was a commercial failure. Edison resolved that in the future he would only invent things that he was certain the public would want. Marriage to Mary Stilwell Edison moved to New York City in 1869. He continued to work on inventions related to the telegraph, and developed his first successful invention, an improved stock ticker called the Universal Stock Printer. For this and some related inventions, Edison was paid $40,000. This gave Edison the money he needed to set up his first small laboratory and manufacturing facility in Newark, New Jersey in 1871. During the next five years, Edison worked in Newark inventing and manufacturing devices that greatly improved the speed and efficiency of the telegraph. He also found time to get married to Mary Stilwell and start a family. Move to Menlo Park In 1876 Edison sold all his Newark manufacturing concerns and moved his family and staff of assistants to the small village of Menlo Park, twenty-five miles southwest of New York City. Edison established a new facility containing all the equipment necessary to work on any invention. This research and development laboratory was the first of its kind anywhere; the model for later, modern facilities such as Bell Laboratories, this is sometimes considered to be Edisons greatest invention. Here Edison began to change the world. The first great invention developed by Edison in Menlo Park was the tin foil phonograph. The first machine that could record and reproduce sound created a sensation and brought Edison international fame. Edison toured the country with the tin foil phonograph  and was invited to the White House to demonstrate it to President Rutherford B. Hayes in April 1878. Edison next undertook his greatest challenge, the development of a practical incandescent, electric light. The idea of electric lighting was not new, and a number of people had worked on, and even developed forms of electric lighting. But up to that time, nothing had been developed that was remotely practical for home use. Edisons eventual achievement was inventing not just an incandescent electric light, but also an electric lighting system that contained all the elements necessary to make the incandescent light practical, safe, and economical.    Thomas Edison Founds an Industry Based on Electricity After one and a half years of work, success was achieved when an incandescent lamp with a filament of carbonized sewing thread burned for thirteen and a half hours. The first public demonstration of the Edisons incandescent lighting system was in December 1879, when the Menlo Park laboratory complex was electrically lighted. Edison spent the next several years creating the electric industry. In September 1882, the first commercial power station, located on Pearl Street in lower Manhattan, went into operation providing light and power to customers in a one square mile area; the electric age had begun.    Fame Wealth The success of his electric light brought Edison to new heights of fame and wealth, as electricity spread around the world. Edisons various electric companies continued to grow until in 1889 they were brought together to form Edison General Electric. Despite the use of Edison in the company title however, Edison never controlled this company. The tremendous amount of capital needed to develop the incandescent lighting industry had necessitated the involvement of investment bankers such as J.P. Morgan. When Edison General Electric merged with its leading competitor Thompson-Houston in 1892, Edison was dropped from the name, and the company became simply General Electric. Marriage to Mina Miller This period of success was marred by the death of Edisons wife Mary in 1884. Edisons involvement in the business end of the electric industry had caused Edison to spend less time in Menlo Park. After Marys death, Edison was there even less, living instead in New York City with his three children. A year later, while vacationing at a friends house in New England, Edison met Mina Miller and fell in love. The couple was married in February 1886 and moved to West Orange, New Jersey where Edison had purchased an estate, Glenmont, for his bride. Thomas Edison lived here with Mina until his death.    New Laboratory Factories When Edison moved to West Orange, he was doing experimental work in makeshift facilities in his electric lamp factory in nearby Harrison, New Jersey. A few months after his marriage, however, Edison decided to build a new laboratory in West Orange itself, less than a mile from his home. Edison possessed the both the resources and experience by this time to build, the best equipped and largest laboratory extant and the facilities superior to any other for rapid and cheap development of an invention. The new laboratory complex consisting of five buildings opened in November 1887. A three story main laboratory building contained a power plant, machine shops, stock rooms, experimental rooms and a large library. Four smaller one story buildings built perpendicular to the main building contained a physics lab, chemistry lab, metallurgy lab, pattern shop, and chemical storage. The large size of the laboratory not only allowed Edison to work on any sort of project, but also allowed him to work on as many as ten or twenty projects at once. Facilities were added to the laboratory or modified to meet Edisons changing needs as he continued to work in this complex until his death in 1931. Over the years, factories to manufacture Edison inventions were built around the laboratory. The entire laboratory and factory complex eventually covered more than twenty acres and employed 10,000 people at its peak during World War One (1914-1918). After opening the new laboratory, Edison began to work on the phonograph again, having set the project aside to develop the electric light in the late 1870s. By the 1890s, Edison began to manufacture phonographs for both home, and business use. Like the electric light, Edison developed everything needed to have a phonograph work, including records to play, equipment to record the records, and equipment to manufacture the records and the machines. In the process of making the phonograph practical, Edison created the recording industry. The development and improvement of the phonograph was an ongoing project, continuing almost until Edisons death.    The Movies While working on the phonograph, Edison began working on a device that, does for the eye what the phonograph does for the ear, this was to become motion pictures. Edison first demonstrated motion pictures in 1891, and began commercial production of movies two years later in a peculiar looking structure, built on the laboratory grounds, known as the Black Maria. Like the electric light and phonograph before it, Edison developed a complete system, developing everything needed to both film and show motion pictures. Edisons initial work in motion pictures was pioneering and original. However, many people became interested in this third new industry Edison created, and worked to further improve on Edisons early motion picture work. There were therefore many contributors to the swift development of motion pictures beyond the early work of Edison. By the late 1890s, a thriving new industry was firmly established, and by 1918 the industry had become so competitive that Edison got out of the movie business all together.    Even a Genius Can have a Bad Day 1890s greatest failure    A Profitable Product alkaline battery . By 1911, Thomas Edison had built a vast industrial operation in West Orange. Numerous factories had been built through the years around the original laboratory, and the staff of the entire complex had grown into the thousands. To better manage operations, Edison brought all the companies he had started to make his inventions together into one corporation, Thomas A. Edison Incorporated, with Edison as president and chairman. Aging Gracefully In the 1915, Edison was asked to head the Naval Consulting Board. With the United States inching closer towards the involvement in World War One, the Naval Consulting Board was an attempt to organize the talents of the leading scientists and inventors in the United States for the benefit of the American armed forces. Edison favored preparedness, and accepted the appointment. The Board did not make a notable contribution to the final allied victory, but did serve as a precedent for future successful cooperation between scientists, inventors and the United States military. During the war, at age seventy, Edison spent several months on Long Island Sound in a borrowed navy vessel experimenting on techniques for detecting submarines. Honoring a Lifetime of Achievement Edisons role in life began to change from inventor and industrialist to cultural icon, a symbol of American ingenuity, and a real life Horatio Alger story. In 1928, in recognition of a lifetime of achievement, the United States Congress voted Edison a special Medal of Honor. In 1929 the nation celebrated the golden jubilee of the incandescent light. The celebration culminated at a banquet honoring Edison given by Henry Ford at Greenfield Village, Fords new American history museum, which included a complete restoration of the Menlo Park Laboratory. Attendees included President Herbert Hoover and many of the leading American scientists and inventors. The last experimental work of Edisons life was done at the request of Edisons good friends Henry Ford, and Harvey Firestone in the late 1920s. They asked Edison to find an alternative source of rubber for use in automobile tires. The natural rubber used for tires up to that time came from the rubber tree, which does not grow in the United States. Crude rubber had to be imported and was becoming increasingly expensive. With his customary energy and thoroughness, Edison tested thousands of different plants to find a suitable substitute, eventually finding a type of Goldenrod weed that could produce enough rubber to be feasible. Edison was still working on this at the time of his death. A Great Man Dies During the last two years of his life Edison was in increasingly poor health. Edison spent more time away from the laboratory, working instead at Glenmont. Trips to the family vacation home in Fort Myers, Florida became longer. Edison was past eighty and suffering from a number of ailments. In August 1931 Edison collapsed at Glenmont. Essentially house bound from that point, Edison steadily declined until at 3:21 am on October 18, 1931 the great man died.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

The Terza Rima Style of Poetry

The Terza Rima Style of Poetry Terza rima is poetry written in three-line stanzas (or â€Å"tercets†) linked by end-rhymes patterned aba, bcb, cdc, ded, efe, etc. There is no specified number of stanzas in the form, but poems written in terza rima usually end with a single line or a couplet rhyming with the middle line of the last tercet. Dante Alighieri was the first poet to use terza rima, in his Divine Comedy, and he was followed by other Italian poets of the Renaissance, like Boccaccio and Petrarch. Thomas Wyatt and Geoffrey Chaucer brought terza rima into English poetry in the 14th century, Romantic poets including Byron and Shelley used it in the 19th century, and a number of modern poets from Robert Frost to Sylvia Plath to William Carlos Williams to Adrienne Rich have written terza rima in English- all these despite the fact that English doesn’t offer nearly as many rhyming possibilities as Italian. That is why Robert Pinsky used near-rhymes and slant rhymes in his 1994 translation of The Divine Comedy, to reproduce Dante’s terza rima in English without the sing-song effect of strict repeating rhymes. Meter is not specified in terza rima, although most English poets using the form have done so with lines in iambic pentameter. Examples: We have two poems written in standard terza rima in English in our library here at About Poetry: Ode to the West Wind by Percy Bysshe Shelley (1820)â€Å"Acquainted with the Night† by Robert Frost (1923) And we also have as  example of Alfred, Lord Tennyson’s use of a modified terza rima in which all three lines of each stanza rhyme: The Two Voices (1842) See our terza rima links to read more poems written in English using terza rima around the Web.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Predictably irrational Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Predictably irrational - Essay Example As a result of these accounts of conscious perceptions, we often assume that the experiences constitute a single fundamental reality. Based on this broad judgment, Venkat further reaffirms that, â€Å"the imperative nature of consciousness is practically beyond logical doubt and rather evident through predictable behavior.† (n.pag). Many make the assumption that, they are actually settling for rational and smart choices, without taking into consideration the possibility that their behavior is actually predictable. After reading Ariely’s book, I came to realize that I am also predictably irrational, especially in my life as a student, as shown by analogies drawn hereunder between the authors’ illustrations and incidents in my life. According to Ariely, it is rather intriguing to note that, human expectations, societal norms and emotions, among other undermined aspects of life, which ordinarily seem illogical, often control our capability to reason. This is a concl usion that the author draws from the fact that people astoundingly make simple mistakes, yet repeat the same types of faults daily. The author’s line of thought begins when he asks â€Å"Do our first impressions and decisions become imprinted?† (25). He goes on to elaborate that we usually overpay for certain items when shopping, we also underestimate expenses and keep procrastinating duties we are supposed to carry out eventually. The author is keen to note that these misguided doings are not random, and neither are they senseless. Apparently, these actions are logical and foreseeable, as illustrated by the experiment showing how students’ social security numbers influenced their bids for wine (Ariely 28). This possibility is explicated by Ariely in various chapters of his book, as well as, in Plato’s â€Å"Allegory of the Cave†, as discussed in subsequent paragraphs. In chapter six of his book, â€Å"Predictably Irrational†, Ariely focuses on the crucial aspects of self-control and procrastination (Ariely 109-119). Through a comprehensive experiment, the author realizes that his students tend to perform better in class assignments, when deadlines for work submission are spaced all through the semester, than when the deadline is set on the final day of the school term. This is an aspect he attributes to the tendency of learners to postpone work, when they think that they have sufficient time to finish writing the assignments, prior to the semester’s end. In the long run, students rush during the last minute only to do unsatisfactory work and, consequently, acquire poor grades. In contrast, spacing out deadlines and imposing potential grade or financial penalties, in addition to simplification of tasks, makes it easy for students to deal with their assignments early enough. This is because such efforts inspire self-control among students and lower incidents of procrastination. The occurrence of procrastination a mong individuals is also supported by O’Donoghue and Rabin, who suggest that â€Å"people may occasionally purchase items with high prices based on the notion that the price is

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The Effect of Video Modeling on Childrens Academic Performance and Essay

The Effect of Video Modeling on Childrens Academic Performance and Social Behavior - Essay Example rmines whether they are going to use and carry those aggressive motives socially and academically later in life, and whether the level of exposure to violent media tends to increase or decrease child aggression. Previous research has shown that children watch adults, peers, and the media to learn how to behave. However, there remains an important gap in research such that it does not address whether the negative modeling of violence has an impact on children’s academic and social behavior. Therefore, the purpose of the proposed study is to explore children’s exposure to violent media and how it may affect their academic behavior in school. Participants will include 47 randolmly selected girls and boys ranging in age from 3 to 10 years old. A 3 day study will be conducted to determine if viewing violence has an impact on children’s social behavior and academic performance. Findings from this research will help clarify the understanding of how aggressive and academ ic behaviors are related. This study contributes to previous research on modeling effects on children in their social environment. This is an important contribution to the existing literature and may serve to enhance social change initiatives through allowing parents, caregivers and teachers to better understand how violent media may affect children and methods available to curb potential aggressive behaviors in the face of exposure to violent video media. I would like to dedicate this thesis to my husband, 3 children, and my parents. They have always stood behind me as I have tried to achieve my dreams in life! Thank you for all you have done and continue to do! I love you all! A special thank you goes out to the school administrators and educators highlighted in this study for their overwhelming assistance in carrying out this important research topic. You know who you are. Without your help, this study would not have been possible. Thus, for your professionalism, courtesy, and encouragement, I

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Euro Disney Case Essay Example for Free

Euro Disney Case Essay The success of a business, especially immediately after establishment depends on various factors. Branding and goodwill form some of these major factors. It is worth noting that branding points to the value that customers attach to a given product or service and is often informed by their experience or perception that they have about the name as well as the known history of the producer or the service provider. A business on the other hand enjoys goodwill if it uses a brand name whose reputation has already grown and this growth is not only depicted at local level but both national, international and even global levels. Despite enjoying the fore going, EuroDisney did not perform well during its first year of operation for various reasons. Factors That Contributed to Euro-Disney’s Poor Performance during Its First Year of Operation At the outset, the hotel rooms were so much overpriced and to such an extent that staying overnight was out of question for most of the families around. In addition, poor marketing strategies which were very evident at the time as well as their ill advised source of funding from French banks were all to the EuroDisney’s disadvantage. To add to the bargain was the fact that an unforeseen combination of transatlantic airfare wars and currency movements often boiled down to trips to places like Orlando being cheaper while good weather was guaranteed and beautiful Florida beaches were within reach in Orlando. It therefore bears noting that all these factors as well as the ethnocentrism and negative publicity given by the hostility from the French people against the Disney idea right at the projects planning phase, greatly affected the performance of EuroDisney during its first year in operation (Keegan Green, 2002). The role played by ethnocentrism in the story of Euro-Disney`s launch Ethnocentrism is defined as the tendency to believe and perceive one’s cultural or ethnic group to be centrally important than all others. This is evident in the launch of EuroDisney with French visitors staying away while projections had it that they would make 50percent of the attendance figures. The French perceived the EuroDisney in a very different perspective, as depicted this was viewed as American imperialism. They clung to their culture, and as the article puts it, French culture had its own lovable cartoons and characters that included the Asterix, the helmeted and a pint-sized Gallic warrior which EuroDisney did not provide. As a result of the hostility among the French to the Disney ideas as evidenced at the planning of the EuroDisney project, there was a bad publicity that was given about the project to the various stakeholders (Keegan Green, 2002). Why the experience in France was not transferable to Hong Kong Though the EuroDisney had a nasty experience in France, the knowledge and experience acquired may not be transferable to China’s Hong Kong. On the same note, the experience in France was purely informed by cultural difference between Americans and the French. Needless to say, the case may not be the same between the Chinese and American people. It is however notable that Business experience is usually transferable only if it is informed by business related concepts such as the forces of demand and supply which is not the case in EuroDisney. Lastly, owing to the differences in size between the Disney in Hong Kong and that in France, the effects of decisions may as well be considered to be well out phase with each other. Reference Keegan, W. J. , Green, M. C. (2002). Global marketing management. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

Friday, November 15, 2019

The Many Benefits of Hunting Essay -- Hunting Debate

When a Minnesota dentist killed a prized African lion named "Cecil" he received an onslaught of criticism and reignited the debate concerning hunting. Those who oppose hunting often have no understanding of the many benefits provided by hunting. Hunting provides free census animal data, as well as money to sustain clean rivers and forests and to manage wildlife populations. Animals are treated more humanely by a hunter’s bullet than by a slaughterhouse’s blade. There are two categories of hunters, the poachers and the traditionalists. However, people seem to classify hunters only by the practices of poachers. At first, I use to be one of them (people with no knowledge about the positive effects of hunting). I thought hunting was a merciless sport. Killing an animal for its antlers, fur, or their body parts. I saw hunters as unethical humans and so did most of the people I ran into. Then again this was before I did my research on hunting. After my research, I found some facts that were compelling. Hunting after all was not what I had perceived it to be. Nevertheless, there are still people that have the wrong impression about hunting because they don’t fully understand its meaning. Hunting has been around as long as humanity has existed. Hunting has played a key role in humanities fight for survival. Without hunting our ancestors may not have been able to survive. In his article, â€Å"Hunting and Human Values† author Paul Shepard states, that hunting may be a behavior that is inherent and about 95 percent of the time humanity has existed we have been hunters. Hunting has formed humanity and to take it away would take away a significant part of history and heritage. Hunting should be protected by laws such as Bill 273 s... ...nd a way for one to connect with nature in this modern world. Hunting has a positive impact on the wildlife and economy helping sustain animal populations while maintaining clean forests and rivers. It also helps the economy by generating revenue through hunting tags and permits. Works Cited "Division of Wildlife Resources Financial Overview." Utah Division of Wildlife Resources. 5 Oct. 2014. Web. 08 Mar. 2015. Paul Shepard. â€Å"Hunting and Human Values.† Rhetorical Choices. Charles I. Schuster, Deborah H. Holdstein, Keith Gilyard. Second Edition. New York: Penguin Acdamics, 2013. 568. "What's Mad Cow Disease?" KidsHealth Kids Health. Web. 06 Mar. 2015. Van de Pitte, Margaret. "The Moral Basis for Public Policy Encouraging Sport Hunting." Journal of Social Philosophy 34.2 (2003): 256-266. Religion and Philosophy Collection. EBSCO. Web. 9 Mar. 2015.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

About Belonging

Laird's stories show that all people face challenges no matter where they live In the world. Do you agree? Having a sense of belonging is important for everyone and Laird's short stories, â€Å"Interpreter of Maladies† describe the problems people face when they feel isolated. She sets many of her short stories In America and describes the difficulties that some immigrants face when confronted with a new culture, gender expectations or crisis.She also demonstrates, however, how others readily adapt and embrace their new lifestyle. Nonetheless Chumps Lair uses a diverse range of characters to illustrate the human need to feel belonged to one self to others, to feel accepted and have a place to belong. Between the nine short stories that Chumps Lair has written she has set up a range of main characters facing similar problems contrasting their different living styles but comparing the fact that they have problems.Lair wants to explain that everyone can face problems. One of her challenges she has developed with In the short stones Is the demand of a sense of belonging. In â€Å"when Mr. Pravda moms to dine† The first-person speaker is a ten-year-old girl, Lila. Lila faces a problem when she finds herself caught between the traditions of her parent's and American. Her mother understands that Lila Is American – We live here now, she was born here' (p. 26) ? and has little understanding of the politics of India and Pakistan.Yet, something still fascinates Lila about her parent's' homeland. This confusion Lair has developed in her narrator was to demonstrate how important it is to someone to have a sense of belonging to a place and without that feeling they become lost and confused. Alular has revealed feeling a sense of belonging to a place through a young girl and also through an old Indian lady. By comparing Laird's short stories, It illustrates the struggles people face when they have a loss of belonging to a place, or others.Similar to All In â€Å"when Mr. Piranha came to dine† Mrs. Seen in the story by the same name, folds herself lost in a different culture and Is unwilling to adapt to that culture. Mrs. Seen is an old Indian woman who came to America; living In one country for most of her life she feels a sense of belonging to that culture and no matter where she goes she refuses to change her expectations due to the place she is in. This inability to conform to her new society is shown by her inability and unwillingness to learn how to drive.Her separation from the culture she is living in is shown when she is on a bus with a ‘bloodlines bag' (p. 132) full of fish and a woman with ‘a crisp white bag from the drugstore' (p. 132) tells the bus driver. Mrs. Seen Is living In a world where blood and the real world are ever- present, a distinct contrast with the antiseptic world of America. Lair Illustrate the same problem of being forced to adapt and change to survive In another culture with anothe r old Indian woman.In a † real Durban† Boor' ma works in America and wishes to have a sense of belonging with that country and culture which is unlike Mrs. Seen who refuses to change. Lair wants to demonstrate a similar ‘OFF in accepting change. Boor ma seeks to find belonging to a place but then is rejected due to the untrusting of another culture. â€Å"We shared our coal, gave her a place to sleep, how could she betray us like this. â€Å"P. 81 . Boor ma wishes to connect to a culture, to others as well as to a place. Not being accepted in any of those could create a loss f your true identity.Being confused about your identity is a universally human problem people face. Many people try to find a sense of belonging within them. Being confused about your identity is a hard Journey to achieve a comfortable and true description of yourself. Lair illustrates this tough Journey In ‘Sexy. Miranda tries on a number of identities in her search to feel comfortable within her. She recalls being exploited when she was younger; however, the affair with Deep offers her hope that she can establish a new sense of self. â€Å"Pressed her face against Dive's engineers intertwined with hers† p. 4 revealing the extent that Miranda was trying to steal someone else's identity and not seek her own. Lair explores the idea that identity, is something that must be hunted. We gain a sense of identity through family, society and culture. For the culturally displaced, this is a difficult endeavourer. The search for identity is universal. Chumps Lair has created a diverse collection of characters from young to the old and different cultures, to reveal that problems anyone can face are universal. One of the problems Chumps Lair has created is a universal human desire to belong.Unable to adapt to a different culture or not being accepted, is a tough challenge people face in order to have a sense of belonging. Being tied between two different cultures can s park confusion in where you're meant to belong. In addition trying to find a sense of belonging within themselves in a problem that faces many characters Chumps Lair has created. Ultimately Chumps Laird's key message is that anyone regardless of their culture, origin, age, or gender can face similar problems, which makes it harder for them to have a sense of belonging.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Entrepreneurship Versus Intrapreneurship

Entrepreneurship versus Intrapreneurship1 Veronica MAIER2 Cristiana POP ZENOVIA Abstract This paper provides a review of theoretical studies on the concepts of entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship, pinpointing the similarities and differences between them. Entrepreneurship continues to thrive in almost all corners of the world. Entrepreneurs are reshaping the business environment, creating a world in which their companies play an important role in the vitality of the global economy. But there is not always necessary to establish a company in order to implement new ideas.A great potential lies in applying business principles within existing organizations. Keywords: entrepreneurship, intrapreneurship, human capital, business, leadership JEL classification: L26 Introduction Why are entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs suddenly more important today than before? An explanation to this question would be that the world is changing nowadays more rapidly under the influence of new technologies. T he increasing competition hinders our work. It does not suffice anymore to stand before our competitors simply driven by our will of competing; we have to bring something new to the market.Entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs play a decisive role as they help the company (newly established or existing) to engage in new business and enter new markets. The concept of entrepreneurship is seen as the process of uncovering and developing an opportunity to create value through innovation and seizing that opportunity without regard to either resources (human and capital) or the location of the entrepreneur – in a new or existing company (Churchill, 1992). 1 2 Investing in people! Ph. D. scholarship, Project co-financed by the SECTORAL OPERATIONAL PROGRAM FOR HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT 2007 – 2013, Priority Axis 1. Education and training in support for growth and development of a knowledge based society†, Key area of intervention 1. 5: Doctoral and post-doctoral programs in support of research. Contract nr. : POSDRU/88/1. 5/S/60185 – â€Å"INNOVATIVE DOCTORAL STUDIES IN A KNOWLEDGE BASED SOCIETY† Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania Veronica MAIER, Babes-Bolyai University, Romania E-mail:veronica. [email  protected] com Cristiana POP ZENOVIA, Babes-Bolyai University, Romania E-mail:cristina. [email  protected] com Volume 12, Issue 5, December 2011 971 Review of International Comparative ManagementIntrapreneurship represent the initiation and implementation of innovative systems and practices within an organization, by some of its staff under the supervision of a manager who takes the role of an intrapreneur, in order to improve the economical performance of the organization, by using a part of its resources, namely those that previously have not been used in an appropriate manner. Intrapreneurship improves the economical and financial performance of the company, by applying a more efficient use of the resources and by using a suitable motivational system for its employees (Istocescu, 2003).Similarities and differences between entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship Unlike the entrepreneur, the intrapreneur acts within an existing organization. The intrapreneur is the revolutionary inside the organization, who fights for change and renewal from within the system. This may give rise to conflicts within the organization, so respect is the necessary key in order to channel these conflicts and transform them into positive aspects for the organization.Even though intrapreneurs benefit from using the resources of the organization for the implementation of the emerging opportunities, there are several motives why innovation is more difficult to implement in an existing organization, such as (Malek & Ilbach, 2004): †¢ The size: the bigger the organization the more difficult it is to have an overview of the actions of every employee †¢ Lack of communication: Specialization and separation, help in concentr ating on the areas of interest, but hinder communication. Internal competition: Internal competition amplifies the problem because instead of sharing the knowledge with others it borders the knowledge sharing. Everyone wants to keep the information for themselves. †¢ Feedback received in case of success/mistake: Costs in case of failure are too great and the reward for a successful outcome too small. Intrapreneurs must be allowed to commit mistakes, because such mistakes are an inevitable part in the entrepreneurial process. The recognition of success is also very rare.No company provides payment in advance for what an entrepreneur might accomplish, but a lot of them like to talk about the concept of intapreneurship and expected their employees to get involved and assume their risk. But finally, when motivated employees get involves and have success their only reward is a small bonus. †¢ Dullness: Many companies are slow and reluctant to change. Intrapreneurs bump many tim es into the well known sentence â€Å"We always did it this way†, which leaves little or no space to creativity.The willingness to try new things appears only when the company's shortcomings become apparent, but even so they don’t give room to an innovative leadership. †¢ Hierarchies: Organizational hierarchies compel employees to ask permission for actions that fall outside their daily duties. The more complex the hierarchy the more difficult it is to impose change. Hierarchies 972 Volume 12, Issue 5, December 2011 Review of International Comparative Management have also tended to create a short-term thinking.Employees on lower hierarchical levels have a â€Å"Victim-Mentality† due to a reduced area of action and reduced responsibilities. Those who wish to implement innovative ideas should first consider what the best option for them is: as an intrapreneur, as part of an existing organization, or an entrepreneur in a newly established company. In order to give an answer to this question an analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of both concepts is required. The table below helps someone decide what type of business best suits him after confronting him with the advantages and disadvantages that await him.Table 1: Entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship: advantages and disadvantages ENTREPRENEURSHIP Advantages Disadvantages You are your own boss – independency †¢ Money pressure – giving up on the security of a regular paycheck The income increases †¢ Less benefits as the business is new You have the chance to be original You have part of excitement and adventure †¢ Long working hours †¢ Mistakes are magnified There are a lot of possibilities Salary potential – you decide upon your †¢ All decisions must be made alone own salary INTRAPRENEURSHIP Advantages Disadvantages Ability to stay in a friendly, well known †¢ Reward may not be up to expectation environment †¢ Innovation may not be appreciated Practicing your skills within an organizaaccordingly tion – lower risk †¢ You can be innovative but to a cerUsing companies resources, good name, tain limit – you are not your own knowledge boss Access to customers, infrastructure †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ After seeing the pros and the cons of each concept we think that it is useful to see also the similarities and differences between these two concepts.Morris & Kuratko (2002) are of the opinion that the literature is sometimes confusing in underlining what exactly makes an entrepreneur different from an intrapreneur and what they have in common. This is why they point out a serious a similarities and differences: Review of International Comparative Management Volume 12, Issue 5, December 2011 973 Table 2: Entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship: similarities and differences †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Similarities Both involve opportunity recognition and definition. Both require a unique business concept that takes the form of a product, process, or service. Both are driven by an individual champion who works with a team to bring the concept to fruition. Both require that the entrepreneur be able to balance vision with managerial skill, passion with pragmatism, and proactiveness with patience.Both involve concepts that are most vulnerable in the formative stage, and that require adaptation over time. Both entail a window of opportunity within which the concept can be successfully capitalized upon. Both are predicated on value creation and accountability to a customer. Both entail risk and require risk management strategies. Both require the entrepreneur to develop creative strategies for leveraging resources. Both involve significant ambiguity. Both require harvesting strategies. Differences †¢ In start-up entrepreneurship, the entrepreneur takes the risk in intrapreneurship and the company takes the risk other than career-related risk. In start-up the individual entrepreneur owns the concept and business in intrapreneurship; the company typically owns the concept and intellectual rights with the individual entrepreneur having little or no equity in the venture at all. †¢ In a start-up potential rewards for the individual entrepreneur are theoretically unlimited where in intrapreneurship an organizational structure is in place to limit rewards/compensation to the entrepreneur/employee. †¢ In a start-up venture, one strategic gaffe could mean instant failure; in intrapreneurship the organization has more flexibility for management errors. †¢ In a start-up the entrepreneur is subject or more susceptible to outside influences; in intrapreneurship the organization is more insulated from outside forces or influence. †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Source: Morris, 2000Other famous authors have also pinpointed some differences between entrepreneurship and i ntrapreneurship. Even though intrapreneurship is rooted in entrepreneurship (Amo & Kolvereid, 2005; Antoncic, 2001; Davis, 1999; Honig, 2001), there are several differences between these two concepts. In this context Antoncic & Hisrich (2003) note that while intrapreneurs make risky decisions by using the resources of the company, the entrepreneurs make risky decisions using their own resources (Antoncic & Hisrich, 2003). Intrapreneurship takes place among employees from within an organization while entrepreneurship tends to mainly be externally focused (Antoncic & Hisrich, 2003; Davis, 1999).Entrepreneurs prefer to develop tacit knowledge, in new organizations, instead of using procedures and mechanisms from other companies. On the other hand intrapreneurs work in organizations that have their own policies, procedures and bureaucracy (Antoncic & Hisrich, 2003; Davis, 1999). 974 Volume 12, Issue 5, December 2011 Review of International Comparative Management Although there are sever al differences between entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship, they also have some connections because intrapreneurship is consistently positioned as entrepreneurship within organizations (Antoncic, 2001; Davis, 1999). Conclusions In this paper we have reviewed the literature, which explores both entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship and the relations between them.An important outcome of the review is the identification of the similarities and differences between entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship and also the advantages and disadvantages of both concepts. Nowadays, when we are facing economically difficult times, entrepreneurship and inrapreneurship are an excellent tool for breaking out of the trend trough innovation, by bringing something new on the market. Both entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship are instruments of innovation that help in creating new competencies and accessing new markets. Finally, without developing the insight towards these various aspects, no change of t he company can be realized, and changing, so adapting means in fact, the survival of that company.The value created yesterday, can mean nothing today, therefore only a sustainable company, who recognizes the difference between an entrepreneur and intrapreneur, can turn ideas and creativity into successful new values for tomorrow. Bibliography 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Amo, B. W. & Kolvereid, L. (2005). „Organizational strategy, individual personality and innovation behavior† Journal of Enterprising Culture, 13(1), pp. 7-19. Antoncic, B. 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Friday, November 8, 2019

what is HDTV essays

what is HDTV essays What is HDTV? HDTV, the first completely new TV standard since the introduction of the medium in the 40's, allows a picture with much finer visual detail and better color than the NTSC standards used with today's analog TV sets. Pictures can have 3 to 5 times the sharpness of today's broadcasts and no noise or snow. A good analogy is that you can see picture improvement like CD's improved over vinyl records! And speaking of sound, HDTV broadcasts also include CD quality surround sound based on the Dolby Digital (AC3) standard. HDTV sets use a wide screen more like those in movie theaters (16:9 width to height ratio compared to 4:3 today). These new sets may also be compatible with PC's so you may look forward to combination TV/PC applications. Should you put off buying a TV now and wait for the first HDTV sets to hit the market? Good question! We believe the set you buy today will serve you well for many years and that the HDTV experience will take a long time to develop in terms of affordability and programming choices. Aside from our ardent desire to sell TV's this year we think there are a number of facts which support this position: The FCC has mandated that standard TV signals continue to be broadcast through the year 2006 to insure a smooth transition to HDTV. This deadline may be moved back if consumers and/or the Congress protest having to throw away or upgrade their existing sets but it will certainly not be moved forward. The set you buy today will have signals to show for at least nine years! Manufacturer's plan to introduce add-on boxes to allow conventional TV sets to receive and show digital broadcasts. Of course you won't see broadcasts in a wide screen format and you may not see all of the resolution that MAY be broadcast, but you will be able to watch your set beyond 2006 and you can add the converter box at any time before that. Broadcasters outside of the top 30 markets are not mandated to begin ANY di ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Patterns of Similarity in English and Spanish Vocabulary

Patterns of Similarity in English and Spanish Vocabulary One key to expanding your Spanish vocabulary quickly, especially when youre new to the language, is learning to recognize the word patterns seen in many English-Spanish cognates. In a sense, English and Spanish are cousins, as they have a common ancestor, known as Indo-European. And sometimes, English and Spanish can seem even closer than cousins, because English has adopted many words from French, a sister language to Spanish. As you learn the following word patterns, remember that in some cases the meanings of the words have changed over the centuries. Sometimes the English and Spanish meanings can overlap; for example, while a discusià ³n in Spanish can refer to a discussion, it often refers to an argument. But an argumento in Spanish can refer to the plot of the story. Words that are alike or similar in the two languages but have different meanings are known as false friends. As you learn Spanish, here are some of the more common patterns of similarity youll come across: Similarities in Word Endings nation, nacià ³nstation, estacià ³nfraction, fraccià ³nperforaction, perforacià ³npublication, publicacià ³n Words that end in -ty in English often end in -dad in Spanish: fidelity, fidelidadfelicity, felicidadfaculty, facultadliberty, libertadauthority, autoridad Names of occupations that end in -ist in English sometimes have a Spanish equivalent ending in -ista (although other endings also are used): dentist, dentistaartist, artistaorthopedist, ortopedistaphlebotomist, flebotomista Names of fields of study that end in -ology often have a Spanish cognate ending in -ologà ­a: geology, geologà ­aecology, ecologà ­aarchaeology, arqueologà ­a Adjectives that end in -ous may have a Spanish equivalent ending in -oso: famous, famosonervous, nerviosofibrous, fibrosoprecious, precioso Words ending in -cy often have an equivalent ending in -cia: democracy, democraciaredundancy, redundanciaclemency, clemencia English words ending in -ism often have an equivalent ending in -ismo: communism, comunismocapitalism, capitalismoatheism, ateà ­smohedonism, hedonismosolecism, solecismo English words ending in -ture often have an equivalent ending in -tura. caricature, caricaturaaperture, aperturaculture, culturarupture, ruptura English words ending in -is often have Spanish equivalents with the same ending. symbiosis, simbiosispelvis, pelviscrisis, crisis Similarities in Word Beginnings Nearly all the common prefixes are the same or similar in the two languages. Prefixes used in the following words make far from a complete list: antipathy, antipatà ­aautonomy, autonomà ­abilingual, bilingà ¼eexportation, exportacià ³ncounterattack, contraataquecontend, contenderdisobedience, desobedienciahomosexual, homosexualparamedic, paramà ©dicopolygamy, poligamiaprefix, prefijopseudoscience, seudoscienciasupermarket, supermercadounilateral, unilateral Some words that begin with an s followed by a consonant in English start with an es in Spanish: stereo, està ©reospecial, especialsnob, esnob Many words ending in ble in English have Spanish equivalents that are identical or very similar: applicable, aplicablecomparable, comparabledivisible, divisiblemalleable, maleableterrible, terrible Some English words that start with a silent letter omit that letter in the Spanish equivalent: psalm, salmoptomaine, tomaà ­napsychology, sicologà ­a Patterns in Spelling Many English words that have a ph in them have an f in the Spanish version: photo, fotometamorphosis, metamorfosisgraph, grfica A few words in English that have a th in them have a Spanish equivalent with a t: empathy, empatà ­atheater, teatrotheory, teorà ­a Some English words that have double letters have a Spanish equivalent without the letter doubled (although words with rr may have an rr equivalent in Spanish, as in correspond, corresponder): difficulty, dificultadessence, esenciacollaborate, colaborarcommon, comà ºn Some English words that have a ch pronounced as k have Spanish equivalents that use a qu or a c, depending on the letter that follows: architecture, arquitecturachemical, quà ­micocharisma, carismaecho, ecotechnology, tecnologà ­achaos, caos Other Word Patterns Adverbs that end in -ly in English sometimes have a Spanish equivalent ending in -mente: rapidly, rpidamenteprofusely, profusamenteprudently, prudentemente Final Advice Despite the numerous similarities between English and Spanish, youre probably best off to avoid coining Spanish words - not all words work in the above way, and you may find yourself in an embarrassing situation. Youre a bit safer following these patterns in reverse, however (because youll know if the resulting English word doesnt make sense), and using these patterns as a reminder. As you learn Spanish, youll also come across numerous other word patterns, some of them more subtle than those above.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Business Statistics and Application Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Business Statistics and Application - Essay Example We need to find product of p-value and standard deviation that yields $200. Hence, ii. We need to assume that the observations are normally distributed. In addition, normal distribution is to satisfy seven requirements: (1) the graph should be bell shaped curve; (2) mean, median and mode are all equal; (3) mean, median and mode are located at the center of the distribution; (4) it has only one mode, (5) it is symmetric about mean, (6) it is a continuous function; (6) it never touches x-axis; and (7) the area under curve equals one. ii. The sample is consistent with the company’s data if and only if the policy’s time is within the sample’s control limit. Since 120 seconds is within the control limit, then the 30 days’ data is consistent with the policy. f. The toothbrush that has the best performance to price ratio is Durodont Multituft. This brand of toothbrush registered the highest performance to price ratio of 51 (performance is 51, price is %1). The worst is Oral-B Spring Ideal which charges the highest price of 4.95 but garnered a low score of 59. g. I would likely recommended Mascleans Flex Direct for consumers who want the maximum comfort and has adequate amount of money to afford the high price. The brand has a price of 3.96 but also has a high performance rating of 83%. For price sensitive consumers which wants the best value for their money, I will recommend Durodont Multituft which has the best performance to price ratio. For the average consumer, I will recommend Farmland Adult with a low price of $1.95 and performance rating of 69%. To compute for the seasonal index, we compute for the ratio of values to moving average. Afterwards, the ratio is averaged for the values during the quarter. Since there is only one value, it also serves as the quarterly seasonal index. The seasonal factor is computed as the geometric mean of the quarterly indices. The values are shown in the following table. 7. a. Simple random sampling

Friday, November 1, 2019

Occupational therapist Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Occupational therapist - Essay Example As an occupational therapist, I must be able to encourage my patients to do what he or she can to recover despite the limitations of their injury. I witnessed firsthand the difficulty patients can have when I saw my father lose his ability to perform the role of father and breadwinner for my family. I was able to remain calm and patient because I understood that he was not angry with me but because his injury prevented him from working and living up to the responsibilities of fatherhood. This was a challenge, but my values saw me through to the other side. I have worked very hard for the last few years to pursue a career as an occupational therapist. I became the first member of my family to graduate from high school in the United States. I will also be the first to acquire an Associates Degree. I plan on attending Dominican University and completing a Bachelor of Science in Occupational Therapy. I truly believe that I could be an asset to your university. I am a natural multi-tasker who has the ability to succeed and reach the top in each situation. I have a wide range of interests and knowledge to contribute to the field of occupational therapy. I can ensure you that you are not making the wrong decision my accepting my letter of admission. I will not only work hard to prove myself worthy of your acceptance but I will work hard to surpass your expectations. I have proven in the past that I care about others and am motivated by an intrinsic desire to help others.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Organizational Culture Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Organizational Culture - Assignment Example During the recruitment phase the prospective employees are required to fill firms having features like cross-word puzzles, so as to extend to the future employees the idea of what Zappos is all about. During the encounter phase Zappos resorts to an extensive orientation program to immerse the new employees into the quintessential Zappos values. The company offers the new employees a $1000 reward in case they decide not to join Zappos. This gives the new employees an idea of the kind of commitment to organizational values that Zappos expects of them. During the last phase of organizational socialization that is during the change and acquisition phase, Zappos allows the employees to evince commitment to its essential value of customer service in an extempore and innately natural manner. The Zappos employees are not expected to resort to any script or format while dealing with the customers. Zappos also offers happy hours to its employees when they engage in team activities and recreati on. This allows the employees to develop commitment to the Zappos values in their own unique and natural manner. 2. There is no denying the fact that the success of a company to a large extent depends on its employees’ capacity to gel their personal beliefs and values with the organizational values. Zappos has a concerted strategy aimed at assuring that its organizational values fit with the values of the people it hires. Zappos has an extensive recruitment program which seriously digs into the values of the prospective employees to access as to what extent the values of a future employee blend with the Zappos’ organizational values. Once the employees are recruited, Zappos conducts an orientation programs to make sure that the new employees do get an idea of the essential Zappos values woven around customer service and ingenuity. Zappos offers to every new employee an incentive of $1000, in case one decides to quiet right at the start. This strategy extends to Zappos an opportunity to access as to what extent the values of the recruited employees blend with the organizational values. This also helps Zappos configure that to what extent an employee is comfortable with and committed to the organizational values. Part B 1. A few years back I had a chance to work at the local Sugar Sweet Bakery. It was a Big Bakery that employed around 67 people. Extending a personalized service to each and every customer happened to be a core value at Sugar Sweet Bakery. To embed this value in the organizational culture, Mr. Butler, the owner of the Bakery made it a point to role model the core values that this business was committed to. Each and every employee at Sugar Sweet was personally greeted by Mr. Butler every morning as one entered the Bakery. All employees were expected to have their breakfast every morning with Mr. Butler and other managers at the Bakery premises. During breakfast employees were encouraged the share their experiences and concerns with ea ch other and the management. The objective was to give way to a family like atmosphere at the organization. Consequently the employees carried this acquired value of personalized care to the customers and extended a personalized and customized service to each and every customer that visited the Sugar Sweet Bakery. 2. Though the family like organizational atmosphere at this

Monday, October 28, 2019

Impact of Emotional Intelligence on Manager Performance

Impact of Emotional Intelligence on Manager Performance The impact of emotional intelligence on managers’ performance: Evidence from hospitals located in Tehran ABSTRACT Context: Most of the studies show that emotional intelligence (EI) is an important factor for effective leadership and team performance in organizations. Aims: This research paper aims to provide an exploratory analysis of EI in the hospitals managers located in Tehran, and examine its relation to their performance. Settings and Design: The present research was an analytical and cross-sectional study. Setting of the study was hospitals located in Tehran, Iran. Subjects and Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional study from a matched sample of 120 managers and 360 subordinates in hospitals located in Tehran. Cyberia shrink EI measure was used for assessing the EI of the participants. Moreover, a management performance Questionnaire is specifically developed for the present study. The total of 480 questionnaires analyzed throughout Kolmogorov–Smirnov, Mann–Whitney, and Kruskal–Wallis tests in SPSS. Results: The findings suggested a poor EI among hospital managers. As for EI subscales, social skills and self-motivation were in the highest and lowest levels respectively. Moreover, the results indicated that EI increases with experience. The results also showed there is no significant relationship between the components of EI and the performance of hospital managers. Conclusions: Present research indicated that higher levels of EI did not necessarily lead to better performance in hospital managers. Key words: Emotional intelligence, hospital managers, performance INTRODUCTION Emotional intelligence (EI) is the ability to identify, appraise, and handle one’s emotions.[1] Goleman and Sutherland[2] define EI as the ability to motivate oneself and persist in the face of frustration; to control impulses and delay gratification; to regulate one’s moods and keep distress from swapping the ability to think; to emphasize and to hope. As such Bar On,[3] defines EI as being concerned with understanding oneself and others, in relation with people and coping with the immediate surroundings in order to be more successful in dealing with environmental demands. Weisinger[4] sees EI as the intelligent use of feelings or making one’s emotions work to one’s advantage by using them to help guide behavior and thinking in beneficial ways. In this study, EI were defined as set of skills that contribute to the accurate appraisal and expression of emotion in oneself and in others, the impressive regulation of emotion, and the utilization of feelings to plan, persuade, and achieve in life.[5] Many studies have been conducted about EI that addressed both its concept and its measurement.[6] Some researchers believe in an ability model of EI,[5] while others claim that EI consists of both cognitive ability and personality aspects.[2,3] The ability model perceives EI as a form of pure intelligence, that is, EI is a cognitive ability. Salovey and Mayer’s model of EI is measured using the Mayer-Salovey-Caruso EI test, a performance measure which requires the participant to complete tasks associated with EI.[7] In contrast, the mix models of EI either emphasize how cognitive and personality factors influence general well-being[3] or focus on how cognitive and personality factors determine workplace success.[2] Bar On’s model is measured by using the emotion quotient inventory and Goleman’s model is measured by using the emotional competency inventory, the EI appraisal,[8] and the Work Profile Questionnaire.[9] Put it in perspective, research has shown that EI is an important factor in the workplace.[10-14] Researchers argue that EI is a critically important competency for effective leadership and team performance in organizations.[14-16] Some theorists claim that EI of managers can affect work output,[10,11] although evidence for this is not sufficient more.[17,18] EI has been reported to be positively associated with job satisfaction.[14] EI employees will be more capable of controlling their perception of the environment in which they work.[14] Leaders who are high on EI will be better able to take advantage of and use their positive moods and emotions to envision major improvements in their organizations’ functioning. They are also likely to have knowledge about the fact that their positive moods may cause them to be overly optimistic. Moreover, job performance is the aggregated value to the organization of the behavioral episodes performed by individuals over time that have posi tive or negative consequences for the organization.[19] Managers high on EI can foster their employees’ creativity through interaction with them and via the creation of a work climate supportive of creativity.[20,21] In addition, managers high on EI can create positive interactions between employees that leads to better cooperation,[22] coordination[23] and organizational behavior.[8,14] Furthermore managers high on EI help their employees in creating a good working climate and also reliable relationship with the customers.[24] Given the discussion above, EI plays a significant role in the manager-employee relationship and their performance. Though, the effects of EI on managers’ performance have not been assessed more in healthcare context. Considering the differences of the hospital environment in compare with other organizations, this study provides good evidence, with assessing the effect of EI on managers’ performance in hospitals environment for decision makers in health sector. SUBJECTS AND METHODS The present research was an analytical and cross-sectional study which were done in hospitals affiliated to three medical universities in Tehran (Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran University of Medical Sciences and Shahid Behshti University of Medical Sciences). For selecting the samples in this study, only managers who had a minimum of three subordinates were included. Finally 120 top, middle, and lower level managers of the hospitals were selected. Moreover, 360 individuals participated in this study to appraise performance of the managers; in that each three individuals evaluated the performance of their direct manager. Overall, 480 questionnaires were completed by the participants and data were analyzed by Kolmogorov–Smirnov, Mann–Whitney, and Kruskal–Wallis tests in Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA), version 16. This study was approved by Iran University of Medical Sciences Ethics Committee. Participants in this study were informed that participating in this study is voluntary; which means if they don’t like to answer some questions they are free not to answer them and their biography will be treated as confidential and will not be disclosed. Furthermore participants provided informed consent for publication of this work. In this study, we followed Goleman’s model and examines five aspects of EI: self-awareness (the ability to recognize and understand personal moods and emotions, and their influence on postpone judgment and to think before acting), self-motivation (a passion to work for internal reasons that go beyond money and status), social awareness (the ability to understand the emotional makeup of other people), and social skills (the ability to manage relationships and build networks, and to find common ground and build rapport).[2] For this, Cyberia shrink EI questionnaire was used for assessing the EI of the participants. This questionnaire measures five subscales, namely self-awareness (seven items), self-regulation (four items), self-motivation (four items), empathy or social awareness (five items), and social skills (five items). [2] Moreover a management performance (MP) Questionnaire was specifically developed for the present study, which measures four major subscales: planning (8 items), organization (12 items), leadership (18 items), and control (12 items). Reliability and validity tests were conducted on Farsi version of the EI questionnaire and MP questionnaire with multivariate measure. To assess the acceptance of the questionnaires, 10 people involved at least 10 years in the field of academic managerial practice were invited to participate I order to revising parts of the questionnaires. At the end, all participants expressed high agreement to the appropriateness of the questionnaires. The questionnaires finalized after modifying some questions accordingly. Furthermore Cronbach’s alpha measured for the tools. The results showed that Cronbach’s alpha of Farsi version of EI questionnaire for all dimensions was as 0.89, and for MP questionnaire was as 0.88, which indicates strong reliability for our survey instruments. RESULTS Data showed 92 (76.6%) of samples were male and 28 (23.4%) were female. Participants’ age ranged from 23 to 57 (the majority of the managers belonged to the 40–50 years group) and the average age was 43.45 (standard deviation [SD] = 7.51). 45% of the managers had been >10 years of experience (mean = 14.24, SD = 7.14). The results show performance of male managers in public hospitals (mean 36 Â ± 13) was better that those in private hospitals (mean 35 Â ± 23). On the other hand, the performance of female managers in private hospitals (mean 38 Â ± 16) was significantly better that those in public hospitals (mean 36 Â ± 17). Emotional intelligence subscales scores of managers show that social skills have the highest rank and self-motivation has the lowest rank. In general, the EI score of hospital managers in this study was 56% [Table 1]. Moreover, there is no significant difference between the EI of men and women. Based on the result of this research, hospital managers in higher levels have a higher level of EI. Tough in some subscales of EI such as social awareness and social skills, middle managers have the highest score [Table 2]. The results of this study also showed, there is no significant relationship between education and the level of EI. However, this relationship is significant in social awareness. Moreover, the EI of the managers increased with experience, but this did not apply to all subscales of EI; as such in social awareness. Based on the results, a correlation was observed between the EI of hospital managers and their performance, although this correlation was not significant in any subscale of EI [Table 3]. DISCUSSION This study tried to assess the level EI of managers in hospitals located in Tehran and examine the relationship between the EI of hospital managers and the level of their performances. The result of this research shows there is a relation between EI of managers and their performances. However this relationship is not statistically significant. Most researches has shown that EI is positively associated with interview outcomes,[25] management analytical,[26] issues,[27] team working,[28] conceptual tasks[27] and (behavioral, job and employees) performance.[29-31] Studies have also depicted that emotional perception facilitates performance. Day and Carroll[17] showed that emotional perception was correlated with performance on a cognitive decision-making task. Newcombe and Ashkanasy[32] also showed evocation of positive expressed emotion through facial display has a significant and strong impact on follower and affect, the quality of the perceived leader-member relationship, which in turn with the result of present study. Langhorn[33] determined key areas of profit performance were correlated with the EI pattern of the general manager. Lyons and Schneider[34] examined the relationship of ability-based EI facets with performance under stress. They found that certain dimensions of EI were related to more challenge and enhanced performance. Hayashi and Ewert[35] reported a positive relationship between EI and successful leadership. Furthermore, Eicher[36] describe EI as a suitable basis in developing the staff’s executive programs. Offermann et al.[37] determined although both cognitive ability and emotional competence (intelligence) predict performance, cognitive ability accounts for more variance on individual tasks, whereas emotional competence accounts for more variance in team performance and attitudes. As such our study shows, performance of managers is multi-dimensional variable which can be affected by other factors like organizational factors, level of employees’ motivation than EI. Moreover the results of this study shows, there are no significant differences between EI of men and women. Although in those subscales associated with the social behavior (social awareness and social skills) women had higher scores than men. Generally, women are more aware of emotions, show more empathy, and have higher interpersonal communication skills.[3] As were discussed, in many of the previous studies, EI has been reported to be positively associated with performance. However, the results of the present research indicated that there is no significant relationship between the components of EI the performance of hospital managers. In other words, higher levels of EI did not lead to better performance in the hospital managers. CONCLUSIONS The current study shows managers in hospitals located in Tehran, had weak performance from their subordinates’ perspectives, and EI scores of managers were not in good condition. Moreover this research shows, unlike other related studies, there is no significant relationship between performance and EI of hospital managers. The effects of factors on the hospital managers’ performances should be assessed in more holistic point of view than considering EI as a determined factor on it.